In order to build a lab for Windows logs, a Windows system is required. The content on this page will focus on setting up a victim system with advanced logging. While production systems may not have such high levels of logging, it remains important to understand how attacks and activities can be logged. It may be the case that observations in a lab environment warrant increasing logging on production systems to allow detection.

Windows Configuration

Disable Windows Firewall

Windows Security > Firewall & Network Protection > Private Network > Turn Off

Disable Password Protected Sharing

PowerShell Logging

Enable ScriptBlock Logging

(Event ID 4104)


Enable Module Logging


Event ID 4103 will populate the Microsoft-Windows-PowerShell/Operational log



Increase Log Size

Enable Process Creation (Event ID 4688)

Include Command Line in 4688 Events

Enable Task History



Break SleepStudy

Sometimes this odd service will begin creating an endless loop of .etl files. This command breaks that “feature,” since there is no proper option to disable it.

Set-ItemProperty -Path C:\Windows\System32\SleepStudy\*.etl -Name IsReadOnly -Value $true

Other Useful Tidbits

Clear all the Logs

wevtutil el | Foreach-Object {wevtutil cl "$_"}