
Match Alarm

Threshold Alarm

Blacklist Alarm

Whitelist Alarm

Rolling Whitelist Alarm

(AKA sliding window)

Deviation from Baseline Alarm

Time of Day Alarm

Day of Week Alarm

Group of Alarms

Levenshtein Score Alarm

(AKA Edit Distance; AKA Similarity Score)

A score of 0 means both strings are equal.

Shannon Entropy Score Alarm

(AKA Frequency Score; AKA randomness score)

A higher score means the string has a higher level of randomness.

Alarm Controls




Aggregate Count

(AKA Stack Count; AKA Long Tail Analysis) Also known as stacking or least frequency of occurrence analysis (LFO), this method involves counting the number of occurrences of each unique value and sorting them in ascending order. The values with the lowest counts are considered outliers. In some cases, this can be reversed, with the values with the highest counts being considered the outliers, but this is relatively rare.

Z-score When dealing with numeric values, a statistical test like z-score can be used. This test looks for values that are ± a certain threshold from the standard deviation. Typically, this threshold is two or three standard deviations.